Katy Says With Katy Bowman



Noted biomechanist Katy Bowman's podcast takes on health, alignment and how to Move Your DNA in order to deal with the mechanical causes of ailments and poor health. In a special limited series called Between the Lines, journalist Stephanie Domet joins Katy to explore the deeper messages in and connections between Bowman’s books.


  • Ep 40 - Katy Says Movement Mailbag

    12/01/2016 Duração: 18min

    In this episode: leg length discrepancies, diastasis recti limitations and squats and pelvic floor health alternatives for a wheelchair-bound listener.

  • Ep 39 - Stack Your Life for More Natural Movement

    05/01/2016 Duração: 44min

    We are all given the same 24 hours but it always seems like it takes a trade-off to fit certain things in to that day. If you want to work out, does it mean you’ve got to drop your kids at the gym’s childcare? Or, you can spend time with your kids, playing Candyland for 2 hours, but will you then have time to fix a whole food meal? Learn how to stack all the things that matter to you so that you can move more and stress less.

  • Ep 38 - How Did You Move in 2015?

    29/12/2015 Duração: 45min

    Resolutions are only about what you hope to accomplish, but a health recap lets you look both forward and back in order to more clearly define your goals for the coming year and to give yourself some kudos about all that you did in the past year. Join Katy and Dani as we do our own 2015 Health Recap and invite you to join in with your own.

  • Ep 37 - Moving Through the Winter

    15/12/2015 Duração: 42min

    Short, dark days and long, cold night might make you want to crawl under a blanket until April, but Katy makes the case for getting your natural movement during less-than-friendly weather. Learn why it matters not only that you get outside, but that you move outside. Also, we provide tips and tricks for getting the entire household moving before the cooped-up-crazies set in.

  • Ep 36 - Nutritious Movement

    01/12/2015 Duração: 43min

    We’ve dipped our toes in the water before, but now let’s dive in and define “Junk Food Movement” in the way that we use it when defining Nutritious Movement. This episode is a satisfying culmination of our previous discussions on Junk Food Movement—and will leave you with the tools and understanding to be a more critical thinker when it comes to your movement diet.

  • Ep 35 - Diastasis Recti—The Book!

    17/11/2015 Duração: 50min

    Katy Bowman’s 6th book is out—and looks like it might be the biggest yet. Why? Because so many people deal with diastasis recti but have little success with traditional methods. Katy talks about why her book: Diastasis Recti-The Whole-Body Solution To Abdominal Weakness And Separation is going to make a difference.

  • Ep 34 - Thoughts on Incontinence

    03/11/2015 Duração: 01h04min

    Over 25 million Americans suffer from some form of incontinence. Most sufferers don’t like to talk about it. For those that do, they are offered few solutions aside from adult diapers, pharmaceuticals or surgery. But incontinence is a symptom of greater movement and lifestyle issues, and there are steps—LITERALLY!—that you can take to begin improving the health of your pelvis and the functions housed within. * Listener Discretion Advised: there is no profanity in this episode, but it does contain (sometimes silly) discussions about sex, poop, and penises, so choose your listening company and environment accordingly.

  • Ep 33 - Cycling

    20/10/2015 Duração: 01h06min

    If you cycle, you’re fit, right? Riding a bike is not a natural human movement, and cycling a lot with little other movement endeavors has the components of a junk-food movement diet. Let’s look beyond the few single nutrients that biking provides and explore a more nutritious movement diet—because doing the same thing over and over again means you are missing a whole spectrum of movement nutrients. Katy answers questions about bone density, kids and bikes, and the biological tax of bicycles.

  • Ep 32 - Enter the Gait Lab

    06/10/2015 Duração: 45min

    Do you walk? Is the nutritional value of your walking the equivalent of eating only Cheese Puffs for sustenance? Walking, like every natural human movement, comes with its own host of variables that provide our bodies the loads required for optimal health and expression. Listen as Katy gives a clear and understandable explanation as to why we need to consider both the micro-and macronutrients of walking and how to get more of them.

  • Ep 31 - Wassup, Katy?

    29/09/2015 Duração: 48min

    One of the awesome things about Katy Bowman is how much useful content she produces for our human bodies—and this past summer she was crazy busy writing and releasing books for her Whole Body series, filming DVDs and finishing up the new Nutritious Movement Center Northwest. Following her on Facebook and Instagram is fun, but it’s nice to hear from Katy about all the projects she’s been working on.

  • Ep 30 - Back-to-School Biomechanics

    15/09/2015 Duração: 51min

    Back-to-school time is here! A kid needs a decent breakfast to start the school day, but what about movement nutrients? School can bring movement-hindering shoes and desks, long, sedentary days and repetitive loads to a developing body. Whatever your method of schooling, Katy offers some tips to help both you and your wee charges get more of what their body needs. And, if you’re all grown up and done with school and don’t have kids, this episode probably still applies.

  • Ep 29 - The Skin Show

    08/09/2015 Duração: 41min

    Katy’s Got Skin in the GameYou squat, you hang, you climb, and you threw your couch to the curb—all for the sake of more natural movement. But are your arrector pili getting their movement nutrients? Wait, what ARE your arrector pili? Katy scratches the surface of that oft-neglected but serious player in your whole body health—your skin! Of course, this vast subject needs more than one episode, but this is a good start on a fascinating topic.

  • Ep 28 - It’s a Mail Bag Show!

    18/08/2015 Duração: 48min

    Mail call! Katy answers listener questions! From cracked heels to torso troubles, and psoas release for special populations to flaccid muscles, these aren’t your average call-in questions!

  • Ep 27 - Fashion Movement

    04/08/2015 Duração: 41min

    Skinny jeans, tight belts, compression undergarments—when your clothing changes your shape, it also changes how you move and the results can be hard on your body. This episode deals with the choices we make in our everyday wear and how the biological tax we pay for fashion can sometimes be high.

  • Ep 26 - The Ben Show

    21/07/2015 Duração: 38min

    So, this guy—Ben—mentions Katy in a tweet. But it wasn’t just any tweet. It featured one of the coolest, most inspiring transformation stories we’ve come across in a long time. Ben had reached a point in his life where change needed to happen. So he made it happen with a few steps at a time, and ended up with a bucketful of benefits that went way beyond his smaller waist size. Join us as we talk about Ben’s cooler-than-cool inspirational story.

  • Ep 25 - Headlines that Move

    07/07/2015 Duração: 42min

    The news lately has been filled with exciting body nerd news: After 56 years perched in high heels, Barbie can now wear flats. That’s big news, right? And two days later, NPR featured a story on lost postures and a theory as to why indigenous people don’t suffer from back pain like First-world folks. Headlines ARE grabby, but it’s always wise to dig a little deeper. Tackling a deeper understanding of how our bodies really work is an important step, and this episode features a hearty discussion of headlines that deserve deeper exploration.

  • Ep 24 - Community

    23/06/2015 Duração: 34min

    This episode of Katy Says focuses on building and leveraging your community—both in town and online—to help achieve goals of healthier, happier living. Whether sharing chores or meals, trading time or goods, or creating community efforts that benefit everyone, all you have to do is ask, and the rest just follows.

  • Ep 23 - Nature School

    09/06/2015 Duração: 46min

    A School Without WallsMost kids in America spend 7 hours a day sitting in a chair inside a building for their education. Other options exist for educating children—one of them is Nature School. In this episode, Katy will describe the nature school in her community, and we’ll share what some other schools in the US and around the world are doing to help decrease our “nature deficit disorder”. We’ll also offer resources and ideas to help you and your kids enjoy the benefits of learning outside.

  • Ep 22 - Household Movement Hacks

    19/05/2015 Duração: 40min

    Getting more natural movement can be challenging in our comfortable, modern-convenience society. Katy shares ideas for movement hacks—using your daily tasks and household furnishings—that will get you thinking about your living environment and everyday chores in a whole-body way.

  • Ep 21 - Is Exercise Junk Food?

    05/05/2015 Duração: 48min

    It’s a hot headline lately—Exercise Less, Move More. But what does that mean?Is exercise really bad for you? Or is it possibly just the Junk Food of Whole Body Natural Movement? In this episode, Katy discusses the distinction between exercise and movement. She’ll clarify “exercise-as-junk-food” and explain the nuances of a healthy movement diet.

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