The Cari Murphy Show



"The Cari Murphy Show Straight Talk For The Soul"is an internationally syndicated weekly hour long program hosted by Best Selling Author, Soul Success Coach, Celebrated Media Personality and Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, Cari Murphy. This is your personal invitation to an abundant, prosperous and joyful life. This program can be likened to a weekly multi-vitamin for the body, mind and spirit. Cari conducts enlightening discussions devoted to personal transformation, unleashing one's creative potential, radiant health, spirituality, the evolution of the soul, global awakening, self improvement, personal success, energy healing and positive living. CONTACT CARI AT: [email protected], or 1-800-704-SOUL.


  • WHAT LIGHT ARE YOU LIGHTING TODAY? What Pathways are You Igniting or Denying? 09/05/18

    05/09/2018 Duração: 52min

    What Light are YOU Lighting Today? What Soul song are you singing? What music are you playing? What collective symphony are you adding your unique Melody to? Are you ready to highlight the highest truths and potentials as the false illusions of this reality are illuminated in the light; In YOUR light?Are You Ready to Create a Landscape for MIRACLES? Are You Ready to Realize Your Brilliant Self in your Highest Soul Expression and reflect that in the light you consciously choose to radiate and express each day? Are you ready to let go of all the density and acclimate to the highest frequencies that are now available to you?Are You Ready to Merge and Align with the Timeline and pathway of Your Preference and of your choosing?Are you ready to entrain yourself with the frequencies of your optimal expansion in as many moments as possible?Are you ready to see, notice, and embrace the higher spectrum of options and opportunities available to you in each moment? In every moment of every new day we have the option of c

  • Developing Revolutionary Response-Ability: Shaping Our World from the Inside-Out! 08/29/18

    29/08/2018 Duração: 56min

    This show is truly dedicated to those who are committed to their own personal evolution, which requires taking revolutionary responsibility for our existence. YOU really Are An Interior Designer: The Master Molder, Shaper, Creator Designer, Allower Be-er, Chooser and Doer of Your Life Experience; you are the writer editor producer and storyteller. And... here is your Universal Spoiler Alert: The End of This Story is UP TO YOU. It is the choices and responses you make in each new moment that maps new pathways within you and around you. The more committed you are to your own evolution, the more you accelerate the opening of exciting new possibilities, options and opportunities. They expand as you do.A good question to ask: Are You Cheering on Life or Criticizing it? Becoming aware of that answer is the way that you claim heightened revolutionary responsibility ( which is just the conscious ability to respond to life ). The evolution of your eternal essence requires a developed habit or pattern of consciously se


    22/08/2018 Duração: 55min

    This show is dedicated to building supportive new belief structures and perspectives that empower will us from the inside out! Authentic power is not found in rigidity; it is realized through flexibility and expansion. Authentic creative power is known when we focus on where we want to be, not where we are or where we've been. This kind of soulfully inspired power is progressive in nature. It is diminished when we look backward or blame. It is amplified when we focus on what is present rather than what is absent.Do your current beliefs add value to your life? Do they enhance or diminish your dreams and the manifestation of them? Beliefs are synonymous with thoughts, opinions and points of view. They are perceptions, and when consciously selected from a soul perspective, they are intended to give us wings! They are intended to liberate us so that we may venture FREE into new dynamic landscapes of life! We are NOT intended to live in a consciousness shack or bubble. We are intended to expand our wings, yet this

  • PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm!! 08/15/18

    16/08/2018 Duração: 56min

    This show is dedicated to an upgraded, enhanced understanding of the Power of Prayer from the Soul Perspective! PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm is rooted in an internally cultivated space of freedom and empowerment rather than fear, desperation and powerlessness.As we become very clear about prayer and how to practice it in its most empowering, purposeful way, we benefit the unfolding of our own journeys as well as the planet in ways that are far more effective than the lower frequency fear-based patterns of prayer from the old paradigm.We are alive at this time to usher in a new paradigm of peace, and it requires updating the way that we pray so that prayer is offered from a space of love, harmony and gratitude instead of fear, lack, doubt and insecurity. To be leaders in this upliftment of consciousness that we came here intending to be a part of, we have to do things in a new way -- including!

  • Does Your Energetic Signal Reflect Your History or Your Destiny?

    08/08/2018 Duração: 57min

    We hold the keys to our freedom within us. The stories that we tell, the words we speak and the thoughts we think either create or re-create. Consider yourself to be your very own broadcasting station. You are transmitting a signal in every moment of every beautiful day! Without awareness you can transmit an invisible signal with your energy that re-creates limiting aspects of your history with different faces and places but the same old things. Often times you repeat and replay the past ( your history ) with your thoughts and our focus. This invisible field of energy is broadcast out into the world in every moment of every day. The key to realizing your divine destiny ( which is not precisely designed it is only a outward expression of an optimal reality or potential that is available) is selecting sweet satisfaction every step of the way! Tune in to this empowering show and develop patterns, tools and insights to support you in consciously paving a brand new pathway that reflects and creates the highest rea

  • Honoring the Core Opportunities & Challenges that our Souls Selected for this Lifetime!

    25/07/2018 Duração: 59min

    Often times we are far too hard on ourselves for the challenges we face in this lifetime. Underneath the surface layer of ever experience or interaction lies a jewel intended to be realized by the soul as an opportunity. Once revealed, it holds the key to the next step on our ever-expansive journey. The multi-layered symbolism is pretty fascinating when we pay attention! When we realize that our lives and experiences contain symbolism and purpose on a soul level, we begin to see with new eyes, hear with more compassion, choose with greater love, and feel with more clarity and intention than ever before. We come forth into this physical reality on earth with the clear and specific intention to expand as a soul. The intention is expansion; with one another, in our experiences, with our circumstances and in our relationships. Although we are programmed to forget, we each came in with soul contracts with people, circumstances and events from which to have specific opportunities to experience a variety of emotion


    18/07/2018 Duração: 55min

    What if you could really feel more bliss, ecstasy and harmony than ever before, starting today?What if you could activate a self-selected state of harmony and actually insert that option into your daily life beginning now?You are the Master Builder of your very own consciousness mansion you can begin to activate and anchor new empowering thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviors with the power of your focus and intentions.Aren’t you ready to align yourself with every amazing possibility available to you and instantly elevate your entire experience of health, wealth, dynamic prosperity and love?

  • BE THE ALCHEMIST YOU WERE BORN TO BE: Alchemizing the Fields Of Your Consciousness!

    11/07/2018 Duração: 47min

    Are you ready to claim your power to alchemize the vast fields of your consciousness into clear and infinite landscapes of possibility and potential?Are you ready to select an energetic diet that supports faith, freedom and fulfillment?Are you ready to realize your capacity to create purposeful pathways in the valleys and fields of energy within you and around you that lead you into the most optimal and rewarding experiences available to you?We have so much more flexibility and creative capacity than we realize to change what’s going on within us and around us! This show is dedicated to alchemizing the dense fields of our consciousness and refining the energetic ingredients that we select and consistently add to the garden of our consciousness to upgrade the results and outcomes in our lives!

  • Are YOU committed to YOU? The Significance of Self-Care for the SOUL! 06/27/30

    27/06/2018 Duração: 56min

    You deserve to make YOURSELF a priority beginning NOW. Your divinely designed role as a being of LIGHT in physical form is to claim responsibility for your focus, your creations, your radiance, your energy field, and your dedication to nurturing yourself with love in each moment. It's not only a role you select, it is a GIFT you offer yourself in this ever-evolving, ever-expanding journey of evolution.It is entirely up to us to choose to live from the heart space and give ourselves the immense love, compassion, tenderness, respect, kindness, and care that we are so worthy and deserving of! WE DON'T HAVE TO EARN THE RIGHT to give ourselves this high level of self honor and attention. It is our birthright.NOW is the time to lightIN your energetic load! It's time to shift from fear, doubt, self-judgment, lack and limitation into LIGHT. It's time to commit to YOU fully. No more compromising your personal power. No more putting yourself last. No more disregarding your intuition. No more suppressing your voice. It'

  • Declare Liberation NOW! Cultivate the Energy of Celebration! 06/20/18

    20/06/2018 Duração: 55min

    As spiritual beings we are intended to CELEBRATE ourselves, our lives, our physicality and even every single wave of experience and emotion!This human experience is so vast and dynamic with all its twists and turns. But... what if (from the grander soul perspective) the underlying meaning and purpose becomes crystal clear so that we can actually CELEBRATE ALL? Yes, I mean even the challenges... even the pain... even the dis-ease... AND even the seemingly simple gifts in the everyday moments of life! Perhaps a radical concept, and yet those are precisely the concepts that will transform our lives and this planet.I would love for you to mark your calendar for JULY 1ST at 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern/ 9am London. Go to at airtime and let's celebrate together! You UP for it? heart emoticon P.S. Spread to word to anyone you feel could benefit from some empowering CELEBRATION ENERGY!!Join me for this brand new live broadcast as she delves into the power, potential and possibility that emer

  • The Spiritual Perspective on Health and Weight Loss! Expand into Vibrant Health and Well Being & Release ALL that Weighs You Down! 06/13/18

    13/06/2018 Duração: 56min

    Is it challenging for you to accept and embrace the beauty and perfection of your physical body?Do you struggle with thinking loving thoughts and feeling loving feelings about your body?Are their patterns of behavior, thought, emotion, beliefs that may be weighing you down literally AND figuratively?Are you ready to learn ways to partner with your body, allow for renewed radiance, joy, and self love, and literally LIGHTEN UP?Aren't you ready to be KIND to your body, hear what it's really saying to you, and expand into the vibrant health you deserve?It's time to reinvent yourself from the inside out and experience the harmony, happiness, radiance, vitality and well being that IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT! It's time to reshape and reFORM all aspects of who you are to allow for vibrant health! The discomfort and lack of ease that you experience in your physical body can be relieved as the blocked energy within you given the opportunity to FLOW AGAIN! As you begin to give yourself the LOVING SUPPORT that your soul and your

  • Regulating Your Consciousness Dial: What is YOUR Energetic Thermostat Set To? 05/16/18

    16/05/2018 Duração: 54min

    Regulating Your Consciousness Dial: What is YOUR Energetic Thermostat Set To? What Consciousness Station are YOU tuned into?MY INTENTION IS TO SHARE:Ways to identify and raise your consciousness dial to allow easy entry into new portals of reality.The importance of remembering your full essence as a multi-dimensional, eternal being in physical form.Practical and energetic ways to THRIVE in this DYNAMIC, Ever-Changing World of ours with as much grace, ease, joy and FUN as possible.The significance of claiming joy through heightened flexibility.The remembrance that we can allow for expansion and positive change through the releasing of resistance.and much more!Visit Cari at


    09/05/2018 Duração: 59min

    How often are you drinking from the well of replenishment, resourcefulness, and rejuvenation?Do you more often feel depleted or replenished?Are you reinforcing the creation of circumstances and experiences that represent your dreams,or are you reinforcing the creation of what you don’t want? Nothing can exist without the power of our attention activating it in our experience! Isn’t that empowering to realize?With this show,my greatest intention is for you to consciously begin choosing, selecting and celebrating a state of being that reinforces a familiar (and consistent) state of replenishment more of the time. It is my intention to highlight your capacity to select the options and opportunities that will reinforce feelings of empowerment, rejuvenation and replenishment!As we intentionally select and declare bold new statements of desire we clear the pathway for those bold declarations of desire to materialize in our realities. The universe then partnersm WITH US in support of the reinforcement of our creat


    12/04/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    Are you ready to purposefully participate in ushering in a new paradigm of progress and change on our planet?Are u ready to plunge into a pool of ever present prosperity? Are you ready to shift from feelings of pessimism and poverty to plenty?Are you ready to increase your potential for peace, pleasure, and possibility?Are you ready to transcend the conditions that block you from abundance?Are you ready to spring into purely purposeful and powerfully prosperous living?Are you ready to joyfully explore new avenues and pathways to wealth and success?Are you energetically contributing to this state of being? Are you dwelling in the playing fields of frequency that allow you to experience this?Your emotions and words will always reveal the field of frequency that you’re igniting and participating in. They reveal how in sync you are with the energy of prosperity or not! It’s always available but are you tapping into it? THAT is the question! Nothing is ever absent from our potential of experience here on planet ea

  • The Significance of Circulating Energy! MONUMENTAL Healing Happens in the FLOW 04/03/18

    06/04/2018 Duração: 56min

    Monumental clarity, flow and healing happens when we realize and practice the soulFULL art of circulating energy. As we practice consciously directing the flow of energy within us through choice, breathwork, meditation and clear/purposeful intention, we cultivate our capacity for clearing the pathways within us. This flow supports us in making deliberate decisions in our day-to-day lives. Conscious choices correlate to clear rewards. Clearly circulating (rather than stagnant) energy cultivates a state of being that allows us to translate and interpret the infinite living library of energy and information contained withIN us in new ways. It supports us in remembering and accessing our divine cosmic heritage. As we step into the flow, we are given the symbolic keys to access the codes to our multi dimensional selves. This inner library carries and contains vast amounts of information, light, knowledge and memory. The essence of INNERstanding our true essence requires a clear open flow and circulation of energy


    04/04/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    Would you like to create a body free of illness, dis-ease and limitation? To upgrade our consciousness and physical bodies, we must consciously begin to let go of the mental, emotional, speech, action and reactions distortions and patterns to bring us back into balance and harmony. We've all heard about the The Fountain of Youth, but where is it? This show is dedicated to not only identifying the location of the fountain of youth, but realizing its existence and allowing ourselves access to it at anytime. The fountain of youth resides within us. Its components are sourced from the energy we activate and allow to flowWe are dynamic beings capable of accessing an infinite supply of life force energy. We were born to become walking, talking, living miracles, conscious pioneers as we merge the physical and spiritual. Do you want to inhabit a self-rejuvenating, self-regenerating, ageless body? Do you want to experience markedly increased energy, improved endurance, improved sleep patterns, a calmer disposition, i


    28/03/2018 Duração: 53min (another uplifting community to support you!)I am dedicated to providing avenues for expanded awareness. I am dedicated to answering the grand questions of life such as “who are we?”, “why are we here?”, “what is our souls heritage and what did we come to contribute to this planet?” I am committed to creating global communities for the purpose of supporting those who are ready and willing to live consciously for the purpose of creating personal and planetary change. It’s time to broaden the spectrum of information available to us and therefore it is my greatest intention to provide the most progressive insights that will assist us on our journeys. Today's show carries the intention to ignite your cosmic consciousness! We are made us stardust! We are pioneers dwelling in this phenomenal Milky Way Galaxy evolving in consciousness on a rapidly shifting planet. There are not only planetary themes and cycles being played out, but Cosmic, Galactic and Uni

  • The Two Most Important Questions You’ll Ever Need to Ask! What is my intention? Where is my attention? 03/21/18

    19/03/2018 Duração: 58min

    To live a life of divine fulfillment that is consciously created, molded, sculpted and shaped by you and through you -- all that is required is your dedication to asking those two questions as often as possible. With the activation of your creative power, attention and intention, you hold the power to multiply frequencies of freedom!When we shift from expecting the worst and living from a dis empowering state of victim-hood (where we continually receive validation of that dis-empowering state of being) into an empowered, aware, clear, focused, intentional state of being – life changes! Problems disintegrate and self selected freedom is realized because our attention turns toward highlighting and spotlighting opportunities. This is all orchestrated energetically by you, through you and within you! Problems dissolve and collapse when your vibration shifts and your attention is redirected. What is my intention and where is my attention? The clarity of your answers sends a cellular signal that ignites and activ


    14/03/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    At the core of a lifetime filled and fueled with certainty is a diminishment of doubt, a release of of resistance, a soothing of cynicism and a collapsing of confusion. How? Why? Because of a deliberate decision to ride the inevitable waves of life with the certainty of knowing that all is well-- even in the midst of challenge. Pain can be transformed into purpose, challenge can transform into clarity, and confusion can transform into refined certainty.Life is certainly an adventure, and yet we get to decide the interpretation of that adventure! A seemingly simple shift in the angle that we approach our adventures can make all the difference in whether or not we thrive forward from our challenges OR NOT. A simple sculpting of our perception and lens of interpretation can transform confusion into clarity and it can shed light on just about any situation.Existence includes all; the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the certainties and the doubts and yet this show is devoted to heightening and amplifying the


    07/03/2018 Duração: 53min

    Are you fighting or fueling the flow of progress in your life?Are you ready to generate brand new explosions of creative energy in motion?Are you ready to fuel a frequency flow that yields phenomenal results?Are you willing to move the energy inside you to initiate an upward spiral of momentumthat will lead you instantly out of stagnation?Are to ready to claim sovereignty over your inner realm and world? Are you ready to be your own source of SoulFULL stimulation and eliminate boredom from your life? The first thing required to generate an instant vibrational upshift is your inspired intention and participation! It requires a selected state of willingness and an empowered decision to say yes to creating a shift! Shifts create movement; shifts create expansion AND they generate a flow of energy. That's all it takes to create a change in your life! Challenging experiences are essential elements of evolution yet pain and prolonged suffering are optional! Pain and suffering are produced when we forfeit our abili

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