Crome Yellow By Aldous Huxley

A shy, introverted young poet. A weekend in a magnificent English country house. A beautiful young lady whom the poet is secretly in love with. An assorted group of guests with...

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Aldous Cutmore's Guild

Podcast by Jacob (Organite)

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A Ética Da Terra De Aldo Leopold

O ano era 1933. Discussões sobre alternativas ao liberalismo econômico promoviam revoluções ao redor do mundo. Os efeitos da Grande Depressão de 1929 ainda causavam...

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Empresário Digital Ed. 250 - Aldo Leone Filho - CRIADOR DE DESTINOS

A nossa proposta é conectar pessoas através de um conteúdo orientado para resultados. E com isso somar experiências, ciência e tecnologia. Faça parte! Vamos juntos construir...

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Cantinho do Chef - Natal com o chef Aldo Teixeira - 01/12/2020

Veja 8 receitas, trazidas com exclusividade para a revista Cantinho do Chef, pelo chef Aldo Teixeira para as festas de final de ano, entre elas: Tomates Confitados, Cuscuz...

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Journals of Robert Falcon Scott Vol 1, The by SCOTT, Robert Falcon and HUXLEY, Leonard

Capt. Robert F. Scotts bid to be the leader of the first expedition to reach the South Pole is one of the most famous journeys of all time. What started as a scientific expedition...

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Brave New World

Brave New World is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published a year later. Largely set in a futuristic World State,...

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Antic Hay

The story starts in London right after World War I. The characters have to deal with the lack of values and stability brought by the terrible conflict. Everybody is lost but at...

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Leda: With Exclusive Interviews

Though he gained recognition for his later essays and novels, Aldous Huxley started his writing career as a poet. Published in 1920, Leda is his fourth compilation of poetry. It...

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Antic Hay

Antic Hay is a comic novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1923. The story takes place in London, and depicts the aimless or self-absorbed cultural elite in the sad and turbulent...

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