Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Ep 08 “You let us watch death, Mom.”



You picked a fun day to join us! Today on SPAWNED, we’re talking about kids and media — when do you let your kids watch certain movies? Are you more concerned about sex or violence? Which classic kids' musical actually terrified us more than the Hunger Games? And who else thinks the Dark Crystal was totally creepy?    Also, Kristen regales us with online dating stories, and her list of Instant No’s. Some of which Liz definitely disagrees with. (Although we both agree that misuse of apostrophes is unforgivable, and Liz even had to Twitter-breakup with her celebrity crush over his grammar.) Finally, we’ve got each of our cool picks of the week.    Do you have a question for Kristen and Liz? A topic idea? A traumatizing movie moment to share? Tell us! Find us on Twitter @coolmompicks with hashtag #SpawnedShow, on, or email us at [email protected]. Also visit for show notes and links to all the topics you heard about here today. And don’t forget to subscribe to ou