Go And Glow! With Natasha Cole

Podcast Episode 008: 5 Ways to Enter 2015 Purposefully and Powerfully



Hey Glowers, This episode is about entering 2015 purposefully and powerfully. I've included my audio from my Go and Glow Power Hour teleclass that I teach every Monday night. In this particular teleclass, I give 5 ways to step into the new year with new habits and no distractions. For marketing, branding and personal development tips and to attend my #GoandGlowPowerHour, call in every Monday night at (530) 881-1212. Use access code 433-149-486. And to get on my list, email me at [email protected] to receive the worksheets and homework assignments I give every week. Visit my website www.GoandGlowProject.com for more inspiring content. Happy New Year! XO, Natasha Cole