Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

077 Effectively Tackling Cybersecurity Threats: An Interview with Libby Benet – Part 2 of 2



In this episode, Christina Martini and Libby Benet discuss:  Areas of cybersecurity that need to be evaluated by organizations.  What business leaders and employees can do to get more information on cyber security threats.  Where to go to get a cybersecurity evaluation.  Navigating through finding materials online.  Key Takeaways:  There are different types of evaluations of cybersecurity with different questions and tools depending on the purpose.  Powering down your computer can help prevent your computer from causing a breach or being affected by a breach.  Have a cyber response protocol in place.  Prevention is key. The costs associated with no having prevention in place are high. "The topic, the whole area of cybersecurity, is really an ecosystem. Different companies have different levels of maturity." — Libby Benet About Libby Benet: Libby is currently the President of Cyber Secure Work Inc., a cybersecurity, privacy and insurance consulting practice loc