Harper Bliss & Her Mrs

#106: Harper Felt Like Such a Cat Lady



Harper celebrated her birthday over lunch with the ladies from Ylva Publishing, which was lots of fun. And thanks to Carrie for the unexpected prezzie! Her next book, About That Kiss, is about to be sent to the editor, before we take a few days off next week. And she’s decided to take up her previously discarded book and try to finish it. Our favourite podcasters Fi and Jane made a hilarious video to announce their upcoming book.   We watched season two of Feel Good, which we highly recommend. We’ve also started on the reboot of In Treatment.  Caroline’s book this week is Rachel’s Holiday by Marian Keyes. It’s one of her first novels and deals with addiction, which sounds heavy, but it’s a lovely, hopeful book.   Tune in again next time for a new episode of Harper Bliss & Her Mrs.  Get in touch with us with your questions, comments, or suggested topics at [email protected].  Get some free books by subscribing to the Harper Bliss mailing list. For more on Harper Bliss visit www.harperblis