Wilder Mind Podcast

Josie Mckee discusses wild vertical adventures, the grief of trauma and finding mindfulness



For climbers, hikers and nature lovers alike, Yosemite Valley has a vastness that is hard to match. For those like Josie, who are compelled to push the limits of vertical adventure, it’s the center of the universe. Josie pushes her vertical life even further (a hallmark of her character) as a climbing coach, mentor and for many years prior to our meeting; serving on the Valley SAR team of YOSAR (Yosemite Valley Search and Rescue). During a visit to the YOSAR camp (details in the episode) I learned just how much respect and admiration her follow SAR crew members have for her and the time she spent with them. Later, when I mentioned this to Josie, she smiled, nervously looked down toward the ground and with a “well, thanks but…” she quickly deflected the compliments back to all the YOSAR crews past and present. I had met Josie earlier in the year, at the She Moves Mountains event in March. I knew her by reputation and had hoped to have a chance to discuss chatting on the pod. However, the hectic schedu