Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

109 Developing Leaders Who Are Also Promotable - An Interview with Amii Barnard-Bahn - Part 2 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Amii Barnard-Bahn discuss: Managing vs mentoring vs leadership. What it means to be a true leader.  When to consider working with a coach.  Tips to consider approaching your manager for a promotion.   Key Takeaways: “Before you're a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch If you are valued at your organization, go to HR or your boss and ask if they will sponsor you for executive coaching. Everyone can benefit from a coach. Have promotion and compensation discussions as two different discussions. Show your best self when you are interviewing, whether with your own leadership or with a new company.    "Don’t grade yourself on the feedback you get, grade yourself on your response." —  Amii Barnard-Bahn   About Amii Barnard-Bahn: Amii is an executive coach, strategic advisor and keynote speaker who specializes in accelerating the success of compliance and le