Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

108 Developing Leaders Who Are Also Promotable – An Interview with Amii Barnard-Bahn – Part 1 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Amii Barnard-Bahn discuss: How Amii’s Promotability Index can help you in your workplace as well as individually.  The five key elements of promotability (and what you can do at any stage of your career). Creating a culture of consistent promotability within your company.  The importance of mentors and allyship.    Key Takeaways: There is a way to give feedback that is effective, and where people can hear you.  Good presentation skills can be learned by anyone, you just have to practice.  It is important to invest in relationships and understand how you are perceived and your impact on those in your team and in the leadership. If you don’t have a good boss that is giving you the feedback you need, you can try and get it from the other people.    "Companies, especially if they want to be diverse and inclusive, need to be able to articulate to employees who are promoted or not promoted, how to get there, and what they're missing."