Harper Bliss & Her Mrs

#122: A Once in a Lifetime Holiday Special



This week's episode is a little different, as we're taking some time off recording for the holidays. But we don't want to leave you Bliss-less for that long, so we're giving you a different audio taste of Harper Bliss in the form of some audiobook teasers. This week's offering is the first chapter of Once in a Lifetime, a definite fan favourite, beautifully narrated by Laura Jennings. The ebook happens to be discounted on all platforms at the time this episode goes out (until 5 January 2022), so grab your copy now! Tune in again next time for a new episode of Harper Bliss & Her Mrs.  Get in touch with us with your questions, comments, or suggested topics at [email protected].  Get some free books by subscribing to the Harper Bliss mailing list. For more on Harper Bliss visit www.harperbliss.com