Harper Bliss & Her Mrs

#126: Harper Needs to Be Buttered Up



Harper is stressing out this week because of the upcoming launch of And Then She Kissed Me, which is available for pre-order from the Harper Bliss web shop. To get in the mood, you can read Harper’s novella I Still Remember for free for a limited time.   Because of the launch stress, she’s had to take a break in the writing of her next book. She has also reunited with her favourite fitness instructor, Robin.   Harper greatly enjoyed Land, the movie directed by and starring Robin Wright. We also watched Promising Young Woman and The Lost Daughter and loved them both. On television we’re enjoying The Rules of the Game on the BBC.    Tune in again next time for a new episode of Harper Bliss & Her Mrs.  Get in touch with us with your questions, comments, or suggested topics at [email protected].  Get some free books by subscribing to the Harper Bliss mailing list. For more on Harper Bliss visit www.harperbliss.com