Harper Bliss & Her Mrs

#132: Harper Thinks the Neighbouring Roosters Suffer from Toxic Masculinity



Harper is enjoying once-a-year flow in the writing of her new book and all she wants to do is write.    The audio of The Duet is back from Abby Craden, so it will be out soon!   Caroline is working on our first foreign language publication, oui oui!   We haven’t watched as much television as usual because we’ve been enjoying the nice weather in our garden. And Amazon was late putting on the latest Bosch episodes, which pissed Harper off.   Tune in again next time for a new episode of Harper Bliss & Her Mrs.  Get in touch with us with your questions, comments, or suggested topics at [email protected].  Get some free books by subscribing to the Harper Bliss mailing list. For more on Harper Bliss visit www.harperbliss.com