The Cari Murphy Show

Crystalline Codes to Anchor New Earth with Paige Hall!



Full recordings at Hall is a New Earth Guide that combines her in-depth connection with the multi-dimensions of the Andromedan Intergalactic Councils, the Dolphin Collective, the Quartz Crystal Realms assisting with the Cellular Regenesis of the New HUman Template. Paige honors the Crystalline Codes which she anchors for a New Earth and is devoted to sharing Divine Love and Light with ALL. We Will Discuss: •Energy shifts in 2019 and message for humanity as we move into 2020 •Which crystals are prominent and available to call on and assist us through the 12.12.12 gateway and into 2020•The ways that Paige receives her insights for assisting humanity•Paige's experience as a “human barometer” and knowing of the solar activities several days before announcement by NASA and Spaceweather shares the graphics AND how this this effecting the physical vessel and our animals •Cellular detoxification and why is it important for to u + what one can one experience fr