The Cari Murphy Show

WINGS UP, LUMINARIES! It's SAFE to be SEEN. Activate Your Angelic Rays of Leadership with Kaia Ra!



For full interviews and special offers go to and CONFIRM your roles as a powerful vibrational visionary, a purposeful pioneer, an emissary of love, as a Light Leader and Wayshower of Peace, Progress and Prosperity on this Precious Planet of ours! YOU ARE NEEDED as an embodied wayshower! Say "YES". Say "THANK YOU." RECEIVE THE SUPPORT AVAILABLE TO YOU. Embodying your Higher Self and Knowing the INVINCIBLE LIGHT that you are is the solution to set you FREE! Commit to stepping into your DIVINE PURPOSE! Lift and Shift out of Stagnancy, Resistance, Patterns of Trauma/Abuse, Shackles of Shame, Self Sabotage and Fear! + EXPERIENCE A POWERFUL TRANSMISSION OF SUPPORT FROM KAIA!KAIA RA is the international bestselling author of The Sophia Code. She is a Divine Feminine teacher, speaker, ceremonialist, and ordained minister teaching The Sophia Code curriculum worldwide. Surviving multiple near death experiences early in life, the living transmissio