The Cari Murphy Show

The Power of Surrendering to Divine Timing! TRUST in the Bigger Picture! 09/19/18



Just as seeds are planted in a garden and ingredients are gathered for a recipe, there is a process of expansion, compiling elements, and a merging and synthesis that is required for a bountiful harvest or a delicious meal! Have you ever considered how life really works from the grand cosmic perspective? If you could look beyond everyday life right into the infinite quantum Universe, you’d begin to clearly see, feel, know, remember and understand how everything is connected in a universally orchestrated dance on a scale that is incredible beyond description. When we send a Cosmic Order (a desire, dream, wish or intention) into that quantum mix, a whole chain of cooperative events has to line up for it to come our way. It’s worth realizing and remembering that the quantum soup is always gathering ingredients; it is inevitable – its a given. Just remember that a variety of things have to fall into place before your cosmic order can arrive! In the moments when you feel doubt or frustration, trust that the divin