Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP267 Managing Your Money in a Changing World



November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada. During Financial Literacy Month, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada engages and works together with organizations across the country to help strengthen the financial literacy of individuals and families. The theme for 2022 is: Managing Your Money in a Changing World. Throughout the month, they’re focusing on different themes for each week, and in this episode, I will be explaining how you can make a difference in your financial situation today. As the financial marketplace grows increasingly complex, it is crucial that Canadians have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed decisions about the financial products and services that best meet their needs. Financial fitness is important, not only for the financial well-being of individuals, but also for the economy. Remember: understanding the basics of money is as essential today as numeracy and basic literacy, so make sure to tune in! ​ “Financial literacy means having the knowledge, skills, and