Eventful Brighton



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  • Birdy Man - Tim Bat


    I often wondered who the guy was behind the bird whistling man who walked the streets of Brighton. I recently had the pleasure of spending 50 minutes with him - and this is what I found…

  • Headcase - Touched Theatre - Brighton Fringe 2012


    Andy chatted with Beccy Smith and Darren East of Touched Theatre about their production, Headcase. It’s the first time anyone’s given a name to my furry microphone wind cover - from now on, it shall be kown as Gordon (more likely Brown, not the gofer). From the headcase website: Combining tabletop puppetry and object theatre with powerful dance and visual theatre, Headcase shares the real experiences of a made up, mixed up teenager as she struggles to come to terms with what’s going on inside her own head.

  • #22: Acampada Brighton


    I first noticed an encampment on the Old Stein yesterday. Today I spoke to Carlos Genova, a resident of the camp, about what it’s all about. It goes under several names including Spanish Revolution and Global Revolution - but I like the Twitter tag - #AcampadaBrighton (apparently this is going on in many countries across the world so you can just substitute Brighton with many other cities). In essence - it’s all about peace, giving and environmental responsibility. I wish them the very best of luck.

  • The King's Face - Iambic Arts Theatre - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    I spoke to Steven Young (Director), Graham Rowe and David Trosko of The King’s Face playing in the Fringe at the Iambic Arts Theatre. A lively interaction ensued that gives us some splendid insights into story behind the play.

  • Duncan Sibbald - Keep Taking the Tablets - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    I chatted to Duncan Sibbald who wrote and produced Keep Taking the Tablets a moving and funny play about mental health and mental health services. Duncan told me about the story and inspiration behind the play which is based on his mother’s mental illness and the challenges he faced looking after her. Profits from the show are being donated to the charity Mind.

  • Kemble's Riot - Adrian Bunting - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    I speak to Adrian Bunting - playwrite and author of Kembles’s Riot which played at the Old Court House as part of the 2011 Fringe. On December 20, 1808, the original Covent Garden Theatre was destroyed by a fire. The cost of constructing and furnishing the new building, however, was so high that the management was forced to raise the prices. On the opening night, riots broke out during a performance of Macbeth and continued throughout the play…

  • Youth Arts Festival launch - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    I spoke to Sarah Pain and others at the launch party of the Youth Arts Festival at the Jubilee Library in Brighton.

  • #21: Jon Barrenechea of the Duke of York's Cinema


    Andy speaks to Jon Barrenechea, manager of the Duke of York’s Cinema in Brighton, who tells us about the history of the cinema, the ledgend of the roof legs, and how to join the cinema.

  • #20: Sam Chara - street opera performer


    I met Sam on New Road last year - I was attracted by her superb opera style singing (which I could hear several streets away). I made the first part of the recording last year, and the second part of her singing just a few weeks ago in March 2011. I loved it - enjoy!

  • The Importance of being Earnest - Iambic Arts Theatre - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    Andy White talks to The Barefoot Players, the cast of The Importance of being Earnest showing at the Iambic Theatre in May. The performance is a sexy modern update of Oscar Wilde’s classic social satire for Brighton Fringe Festival 2011

  • Anima - The Karavan Ensemble - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    What have a load of missing lamps from Hollingdean got to do with the Big Lemon Bus and a facinating light and dance performance? Sarah Chambers talks to Yael Karavan and Claire Wearn, of the Karavan Ensemble to get some answers.

  • The Nonsense - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    Imagine working out continuously for 50 minutes while talking very loud, oh, and in front od an audience. Andrew Kazamia will be doing just this in The Nonsense, a play directed by his son, Dino Kamazia. This will be performed no less than 6 times at the Komedia throughout May. In this lively interview, Andrew and Dino gave some terrific insights into the story behind the play, and you can enjoy me struggling to pronounce Andrew’s surname too. Photo: Tilley Harris

  • Launch Party - Brighton Festival Fringe 2011


    The party was excellent! I met and spoke to: Mike Bedingfield - the new Director of the Fringe Alex and Tricia of the Dean’s Festival Tarik Elmoutawaki of The Marlborough Theatre Chris Parkinson, Minister of Web and Marketing Assistant for the Fringe Damian Barr of the Hendrick’s Horseless Carriage Featuring musical interludes by Cosmo Sheldrake

  • #19: Richard Stamp - developer of the iFringe app


    I spent some time with Richard Stamp in Pavilion Gardens Cafe. Richard and his team developed the iFringe app for the iPhone. He talks about his passion for fringe festivals and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in particular. Richard also has a fringe festival information and reviews website.

  • #18: Brighton Marathon


    Yikes! Brighton’s first marathon. So in my usual style I sauntered through the relevant streets soaking in the atmosphere of this historic event. The actual winner was Mongolian Ser-od Ba-otochir - well done son.

  • #17: Giovanni sings Elvis


    I was in one of my favourite cafes this morning, La Gigo Gi, and found Giovanni, the owner, playing guitar and singing away - and he was good! I’ve known him for a few months now and recently recorded one of our Social Media White Noise podcasts there - where he made a brief appearance. By the way - his meatballs with pasta is one of the best I’ve ever tasted.

  • #15: Nelly Mystic Warrior plays the Sitar


    Yes, I know I’m always hanging around Pavilion gardens and the last episode was from Pavilion Gardens but I’ve been trying to interview this guy for ages. Sitar Man, also know as Nelly Mystic Warrior has been playing the sitar since about 2005, after a trip to India. He also has a new project, Wavehead, featuring Electronica Dance Music. Entrancing!

  • #14: Trance Music in Pavilion Gardens


    Another mesmerising treat here with Didgeridoo, Hang Drum and Drums played to perfection. We are so lucky to have folks like this performing publicly and freely in Brighton.

  • #13: Starting Over Show


    The Starting Over Show took place on Sunday 15th March 2009 at the Ship Hotel in Brighton. Here I talk to Suzy Miller, the lady behind the show, a number of exhibitors, and Tankus the Henge, the band playing at the show.

  • #12: Stop Starbucks!


    I speak with Louis Loizou who is heading a weekly protest against Starbucks who opened in St. James Street, Kemptown despite the council turning their application down. See also the Stop Starbucks from Opening on St James Street group on Facebook.

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